29-09-2020 Sammie (email: chrisa91@lycos.com) Вопрос: In a meeting http://cgi1.synapse.ne.jp/~actmao/synapse-auto-bbs/actmao.cgi buy casodex In 1986, the N.R.A.ГўВЂВ™s interpretation of the Second Amendment achieved new legal authority with the passage of the Firearms Owners Protection Act, which repealed parts of the 1968 Gun Control Act by invoking ГўВЂВњthe rights of citizens … to keep and bear arms under the Second Amendment.ГўВЂВќ … In an interview, former Chief Justice Warren Burger said that the new interpretation of the Second Amendment was ГўВЂВњone of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word ГўВЂВ?fraud,ГўВЂВ™ on the American public by special-interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime.ГўВЂВќ