11-04-2020 Friend35 (email: oswaldos13@gmail.com) Вопрос: Lost credit card https://tlmproduction.com/stmap_29d42ff.html off label uses estrace cream Many of the nonviolent civil rights marches had led to violence primarily because police and law enforcement officials had attacked the marchers. So there was a fear that this would result in violence. So the tactic of a mass demonstration was controversial at the time, but also its demands were controversial. They were calling for very strong federal enforcement of equal access to voting rights [and] for desegregation of restaurants and public transportation. They were calling for laws prohibiting private employers and unions from discriminating against people on the basis of race. They were also calling for really significant increases in the minimum wage [and] federal job creation programs, all of which were seen as controversial policies. I think even now they remain controversial.